First off music and art classes are classes that children...
Schools need music classes or other art classes and they should not be cut.
Many music/art programs are getting cut from school's budgets, but these classes are the ones that may be the most important for children. First off music and art classes are classes that children enjoy so if they are taken away from them children don't have much enjoyment in school, they don't get that little break to relax from the academic pressures they are subjected to all day. Children especially in poor, low income communities may not have that many opportunities to have fun or relax, some students have to deal with divorce of parents, living in poor conditions, and having to worry about their home life so school might be their only escape, those music and art classes play a large role in these children's lives because they can relax, imagine, and maybe express themselves through art or be eased by the subjection to music or art. The Arts allow children to imagine, be creative and there have been connections made between high academic standing and students that play an instrument. The Arts allow students to stimulate different parts of the brain and take a break from sitting and working in a classroom all day.