Rebutalls Pro has failed to establish why all instructors...
Martial art instructors should not teach children a martial art
Rebutalls Pro has failed to establish why all instructors are bullies. I'm not going to refute this anymore because I have a feeling Pro is just repeating himself. Most of his arguments are emotion to appeal. Just because people learn to take hits, it doesn't mean we all should consider it as accepting abuse. That is just Pro's interpretation of what a martial art instructor is. Let the student decide what he wants. You keep showing random youtube videos. I have no idea whether this is legit, or some guy trying to put something up for views. So I can't take it seriously. Argument sakes, I will though. First of all, this doesn't represent all martial arts teachers. Simply saying children should be banned from learning because a bunch of nutjobs were doing something is not a good argument. Sometimes, calling the police isn't an option. If you are in the park, and some guy apporaches you, are you going to ask him if you can borrow his phone to call the cops? Nobody is training them to be assassins. Martial arts is about self-defense. Ok? And that has what to do with what I said?