He has many flaws including not being good with words,...
No Game no Life is better than Sword Art Online
Argument:To my opponent, I must say that commercial success is not everything. Rebuttal: I am not stating that commercial success is everything, I am stating that Sword Art Online is superior to No Game No Life in terms of commercial success, which negates your statement that "No Game no Life is like a better version of SAO" Argument: The protagonist of Sword Art Online, Kirito, is the Anime hero archetype. He is a highly attractive flawless person. This ruins the allure of the show because the main character is very stereotypical. Rebuttal: According to the Sword Art Online Wikia, Kirito may have been highly attractive in the beta stage of SAO, but afterwards he appears more feminie. Kitiro is also not a flawless person. He has many flaws including not being good with words, thus coming across as rude to others, he is sometimes too fierce or aggressive in battle, to the point of losing control of himself. Kirito also loses control to his emotions sometimes. These flaws show that Kitiro is not a flawless person, and thus does not fit the anime hero archetype. http://swordartonline.wikia.com... Argument: Also Sword Art Online is littered with filler episodes. Rebuttal: According to fillerguide.com, Sword Art Online is only 20% filler with 80% of the anime being non filler, or 5/25 episodes being filler. This filler count is considered quite low for most animes Argument:SAO has many evident plot holes Rebuttal: While SAO does have some plot holes, it is common for anime series to have plot holes, and the plot holes do not have a major interference with the quality of the show. Argument:But the episodes are still littered with useless side stories. Rebuttal: This is your personal opinion, others may enjoy these side stories. In conclusion, my opponent has failed to prove that "No Game No Life is like a better version of SAO in every way", but it also has been negated by both Sword Art Online's commercial success and character success.