4 When art used to be good, Artists created pieces that...
Modern art.
I wondered when I was going to end up debating you. I just figured it would be about something religious. Starting off the debate with rebuttal? Do you even have any reasoning on your side? Oh well. 1 There once was a day when artists were expected to learn and improve from the previous generation of masters. Nowadays, It is all about what you are feeling when you create art, Not what you are actually creating. There is more than opinions to art. Standards like the golden ratio often is used in the most popular art. That is not an opinion. 2 Trashy is when Michelangelo carves the David out of stone, And the Los Angelos County Museum of Art offers us a 340 ton rock. Just a rock. Or Petra, The prized piece of art consisting of a police woman squatting and urinating, Complete with a puddle of synthetic urine. Thats what I mean by trashy. 3 No its not. Thats what this entire debate is all about. 4 When art used to be good, Artists created pieces that inspired, Uplifted, And deepened us. That has been replaced with what is ugly, Offensive, And pointless. 5 What I meant was that beauty transcends the beholder, It is something that anyone can see and appreciate the time, Effort, And quality that went into making it. Its not a coincidence that the golden ratio is found in nature. Maybe we understand it as the beauty of nature.