TF2 was a unique class based FPS developed by Valve and...
Team Fortress 2 hats are destoying the art style
TF2 was a unique class based FPS developed by Valve and release in 2007. It was famous for its diversified classes and unique and appealing art style but in one update hats were introduced. Soon more hats were introduced with weirder designs and more unappealing looks. Now everyone has a weird hat and misc item that is mismatched and mixed with horrible colours that just make the TF2 art style to busy and unsightly and silly (The original style was cartoonish but it was consistant and didn't have hideous neon green jackets). I do not want to argue that the hats are a scam Valve made to get money from people and made TF2 based around trading. I dont want to argue whether F2P made TF2 bad. I just want to argue that the new hats have ruined the art style Valved had worked years on perfecting in development. (Note that this does not nessacarily represent my views on hats in TF2)