Much of what is considered art today is no longer...

    Contemporary Art is becoming more perverse and repulsive than the art of previous eras.

    In my opinion, art of the modern era is becoming far less beautiful and marvelous and instead increasingly disturbing. Much of what is considered art today is no longer something to be appraised, but instead what could be labeled downright repulsive. It seems to some that much of the contemporary art is putting up a proverbial middle finger to the traditions and standards of artists of the passed. Over the passed few decades, there has been an increase in art that includes pornographic images that are formed in the name of art. Art such as "The Virgin Mary" that utilizes cow dung and pornographic images to create a reported "masterpiece". Also, there are such pieces as "Petra" that are accepted as art, when really an image with such immature and inappropriate of a depiction should not be appraised.(Petra is an art piece of a woman urinating. The rock at the LA County museum being called art is quintessential of the downfall of the demand for standards in art. It is legitimately a 340 ton boulder that sits at a museum. Is it reprehensible? No, not really. But yet, how can such a silly element of nature be thought of as a praiseworthy piece of Much of what is considered art today is no longer something to be appraised, but instead what could be labeled downright repulsive. It seems to some that much of the contemporary art is putting up a proverbial middle finger to the traditions and standards of artists of the passed. Over the passed few decades, there has been an increase in art that includes pornographic images that are formed in the name of art. Art such as "The Virgin Mary" that utilizes cow dung and pornographic images to create a reported "masterpiece". Also, there are such pieces as "Petra" that are accepted as art, when really an image with such immature and inappropriate of a depiction should not be appraised.(Petra is an art piece of a woman urinating. The rock at the LA County museum being called art is quintessential of the downfall of the demand for standards in art. It is legitimately a 340 ton boulder that sits at a museum. Is it reprehensible? No, not really. But yet, how can such a silly element of nature be thought of as a praiseworthy piece of art. With these aforementioned examples, I ask you whom are voting, whether or not you think that contemporary art is disturbing or if it merely represents a progression of social evolution and acceptance.