I like a lot Salvador Dali, but there are others well...

    Modern Art

    Nowadays, I look at a painting and I don"t know if it was an artist that made it, or just a child.. http://www.graphiccloud.co.uk... http://accidentalhedonist.com... Back in the day, we had some good artists. I like a lot Salvador Dali, but there are others well known, Miguel Angelo, Leonardo Da Vinci. Why now, the paintings are so "simple" in some ways, just lines and colors. I think its funny, because people say that those paintings transmit emotions, but I"ve already tried to "feel" the draw, and its pointless. It seems that today, videogames are the real art. If someone can make me change my mind, you are welcome.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Modern-Art/1/