Still other examples of individual artists making a...
CMV: Art is practically useless, especially in the area of politics/making the world a better place.
Art remains a vital means of protest and political representation, though some of it is not always executed well. Some examples that come to mind are Sheperd Fairey's [Hope]( election%2Fdp%2FB00AF1TH9O&psig=AOvVaw3GYsFofIzUsMAECgeRUqnC&ust=1611776182855000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJjB0aisuu4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF) Poster that became synonymous with the messaging of the Obama campaign. Still other examples of individual artists making a difference are the art protests that happened in response to BP's sponsorship of the Tate Gallery in Britain, leading Tate to [end it's relationship with the company]( This protest was an example of counter propaganda, with BP donating to the gallery as a way of maintaining a sort of prestigious image. The protest worked by depicting uglier views of the company, which in turn stopped Tate from attempting to scrub its image. Another piece in the same vein is when the performance artists known as the Yes Men [masquerades as DOW executives and went on the news to apologize for the Bhopal disaster, causing their stock to plummet.]( The piece had the effect of highlighting a tragedy that was attempting to be swept under the rug and punishing a company in one of the only ways it is really possible to, by futzing with its profits. There are of course other examples, but the broader point here is that art contains a lot of innovative ways for addressing the world. Beyond that, there is an argument to be made about the politics of the public good. An art education can help with media literacy, otherwise known as how to know when you're being told a story and figuring out what that story is about. The study and creation of propaganda can inform you to when you're being propagandized, and of course in modern society we are feeling the effects of propaganda all the time. To address something specifically in your post: >2. It will be turned into propaganda by those in power Seems clearly to be about political effect, perhaps I'm misinterpreting something.