In short conclusion, my valid justification. ... If your...
A conclusion to the art of communication
Ah. I see him now, more clearly. Standing quietly in the shade of his own tree. Humming contentedly. He won't bend to the will of your glorious mythical chant. Those seeds of deception were scattered about him. But were withered by the parched hum of reason. Are not the sociopath and his acolytes actually singing your sweet song? Try. To cut back the overgrowth of tradition. And rest for a while, in reflection of past innocence. And Infant purity. The dense seeding of that infant consciousness. The crashing cymbals of god and heaven. Deafened the subtle murmur of reason and judgement. Does that chorus of speculation, actually resound with words of wisdom? So. In short conclusion, my valid justification. May fall upon deaf ears and wither under your enduring canopy. But that monotone hum. Has sown a seed, and that ensuing discordance may cause dismay. If your sweet song and that contented hum will not join in harmony. Where lies the insanity? Let him hum his hum, sing your solo song once again and peace will be with you.