Just either start debating my points made in round one,...

    Brewing is an art form

    There is no set structure. Just either start debating my points made in round one, or point out, without refuting my points, why brewing is not Just either start debating my points made in round one, or point out, without refuting my points, why brewing is not art. I will respond respectfully. This is also my 100th debate. I am happy to reach this milestone in less than a year. _________________________________________________________________ Brewing beer is a form of art. It is done by people doing very unique things when brewing. Although there are macro, factory brewed beers like Bud, Miller, and Coors, there are craft beer brewers who go through everything a painter or musician goes through: an idea goes through their head for something new; then they start with a base (painters use a canvas and paint, musicians use music sheets and instruments, brewers use water, starch, hops and yeast); they start adding what they need to make it unique; then they add the finishing touches, and then release their pieces of art to the public.