First, I would like to thank my opponent for extending...
art is needed in todays society
Greetings. First, I would like to thank my opponent for extending this debate to any member of this website. With that said, let us proceed: In my opponent's opening argument, he commits the fallacy "argument ad baculam" in claiming that all of society will be doomed if it does not involve itself with art. His claim is no more than a scare tactic as there is no evidence to suggest that society will be dommed without art. In fact, the human body needs many things to survive, but certainly not art; the human body needs food, water, oxygen, and nutrition, but it certainly won't be doomed due to the lack of art. The second problem with my opponent's opening argument is that he presents no evidence that art is even needed in order for a society to maintain itself. The third problem with my opponent's argument is that he presents no evidence that art is on the decline in today's society. Not only that, but there is actually evidence against his claim. Both video games and films are important part of our culture. Proof can be seen in the fact that the entertainment is one of the most thriving industries in our society. For these reasons, you should vote against my opponent's case.