Although it has never taken that to mean it has a carte...

    There is a duty for a broadcaster that is not dependent on either commercial or state funding to give a platform to controversial works of art.

    The BBC is in an unusual position, simply because of its funding structure, to promote new or challenging works of art. The licence fee means that it is freed of many of the pressures brought to bear by either commercial or political masters. Although it has never taken that to mean it has a carte blanche, it does allow for opportunities simply not available to many broadcasters in terms showcasing new works of art and encouraging creative development. The BBC’s global audience in 2007 was 233 million[i]. That audience provides some context for the 1,500 who actively protested this particular broadcast. It seems reasonable to suggest that many of those millions follow the BBC because they trust the Corporation’s approach of providing the widest possible range of output and opinion. For such an organisation to capitulate to a prudish group – who were outside BBC venues at the time so couldn’t have seen the broadcast – would be a huge betrayal of that trust. [i] BBC News Website. “BBC Global Audience Hits New High”. 21 May 2007.