The design gives the form of the game, but the art style...
Video games are art
But, as you said "it is possible", There is nothing to stop anyone to appreciate the video games beauty as art. The design gives the form of the game, but the art style gives it a personality, like Cup Head, it's a platform game game, but it looks like a 1930's cartoon. Zelda Breath Of The Wild, it's an open world but with a cartoon style. Resident Evil 7, it's an horror game and it's realistic, with some graphic and sound elements to give the player the sense of constant danger (but RE7 at the beginning Capcom does great, but then it's predictable and eliminates that sense of danger, more like action, but predictable). And there are more art styles than these I mentioned earlier. Just to show you some games that can be considered art: Good to debate with you.