Just either start debating my points made in round one,...

    Brewing is an art form

    There is no set structure. Just either start debating my points made in round one, or point out, without refuting my points, why brewing is not Just either start debating my points made in round one, or point out, without refuting my points, why brewing is not art. I will respond respectfully. This is also my 100th debate. I am happy to reach this milestone in less than a year. _________________________________________________________________ Brewing beer is a form of art. It is done by people doing very unique things when brewing. Although there are macro, factory brewed beers like Bud, Miller, and Coors, there are craft beer brewers who go through everything a painter or musician goes through: an idea goes through their head for something new; then they start with a base (painters use a canvas and paint, musicians use music sheets and instruments, brewers use water, starch, hops and yeast); they start adding what they need to make it unique; then they add the finishing touches, and then release their pieces of art to the public.

  • CON

    I must say you do make a point that video games are...

    Video Games Are An Art Form

    I must say you do make a point that video games are art.What I was saying is that art is a skill and people making the games are very good indeed. You know this just came out of my mind right now and I never think of this before if video games are art then why don't we not hear they are admired as art should be?You admired them and I'm glad that you are , video games are more of a gaming way than admired by a few of their good scenarios and images.So really if you try put up a opinion of what would you do if you got a cool video game with nice graphics and good gaming the approximate will say that it's better to game than waste your time admiring the graphics

  • CON

    It can have a hidden meaning behind it. ... Pro says...

    Roads kill is better than art

    You can consume real art too [1]. It feels "nice and warm". Art is like a tattoo for the whole universe to enjoy. Actually, it's more like a tattoo for the canvas and canvases are better than roads so art is better than roadkill. Art can teach you how easy it is to be killed as well. It can have a hidden meaning behind it. Pro says roadkill is good ebcause it's disposable, but with art it doesn't need to be disposable because you don't want to dispose of it, you want to keep it. Roadkill is gross because you can see the brains and guts! Yuck! Also, in order to create roadkill a vehicle needs to go over it which means that one vehicle driver will have a small bump, which would be a bit annoying, whereas art is not even a bit annoying. Thank you. Sources [1] http://www.dailymail.co.uk...

  • PRO

    My whole argument is that art is subjective and that...

    Modern art.

    Hey now, I made points. Don't reduce me to simple neigh saying. My whole argument is that art is subjective and that standards are arbitrary. That's not a rebuttle, It's my argument. "5 What I meant was that beauty transcends the beholder, It is something that anyone can see and appreciate the time, Effort, And quality that went into making it. " Prove that transcendant beauty exist or this argument is baseless.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Modern-art./1/
  • PRO

    But what tose person dont' unterstand it's wath the...

    Modern Art

    I start round 1, against what many people think about modern art. People whatch at this pictures and paintings: (http://www.graphiccloud.co.uk...) and they say that it seems it was made by a kid. But what tose person dont' unterstand it's wath the colors and the lines transmit. And i think they are forgeting this kind of painting: (http://www.tjalfsparnaay.nl...) honestly i look at this and it's so greet that i can hardly say if it's real or not.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Modern-Art/2/
  • PRO

    This is for Spinko's tournament. ... Round 1 is for...

    Loving is an art

    This is for Spinko's tournament. Round 1 is for acceptance, rules, and clarifications I will lay out the rules, and clarify what this round will entail, my opponent will ask questions to clarify what this round will entail in the comments section prior to accepting the round, and the debate will be adjusted accordingly until both of us are satisfied Rules- - No semantics - No vulgarity Clarifications - Love, will be understood as not being exclusive to romantic love - Art will be understood as a practice, or activity

  • PRO

    Art is about creativity, which means deviations from...

    Art is faulty by definition.

    Art is about creativity, which means deviations from perfection, or faults. If I run the same document through a printer that works perfectly 200 times, I will get 200 identical documents. If I run the same document through a slightly faulty printer, it could produce one of millions of interesting variations. That which is faulty is also chaotic, it grinds against what we instinctively know should be, it makes us want to fix it. Art inherently contains these qualities which are not beautiful.

  • PRO

    I like your drawing, I'm not really able draw items like...

    Art Challenge

    I like your drawing, I'm not really able draw items like a bag, or faces. Here it is (drumroll please). My final art piece. Once again, I have no title for this. May I point out that I decided to do this on my wall (hence the 30cm ruler for reference). I look forward to my opponent's last piece. http://www.debate.org...

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Art-Challenge/1/
  • PRO

    Well, that was a cool piece. Now, some ddo glitch is...

    Art Challenge

    Well, that was a cool piece. Now, some ddo glitch is causing my previous link to be broken. Here is the link again for the first art piece: http://www.debate.org... ================================================================================ Well, I shall now present I piece that i created. I will be fighting your fire with even more intense fire! http://www.debate.org...

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Art-Challenge/5/
  • PRO

    Definitions - Art - The expression or application of...

    art is technically useful

    I accept, BOP is on me to prove that art can be useful. Definitions - Art - The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. The various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance. Useful - able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways.