That would P/O many happy familys trying to visit some...

    Magic is an art.

    Oh so you want an argment, that's it. I am going to take you so high youre never going back down. If magic is a lube, should lube be art? No. That would P/O many happy familys trying to visit some art museum. If magic ISNT a lube, then that would P/O many artists trying to sell there art when same magician is holding up a sign that says "will show u sum fake trix for moneyz. i m a veterann," "Your face" is so last year. Your mother is a lube.

  • CON

    4 When art used to be good, Artists created pieces that...

    Modern art.

    I wondered when I was going to end up debating you. I just figured it would be about something religious. Starting off the debate with rebuttal? Do you even have any reasoning on your side? Oh well. 1 There once was a day when artists were expected to learn and improve from the previous generation of masters. Nowadays, It is all about what you are feeling when you create art, Not what you are actually creating. There is more than opinions to art. Standards like the golden ratio often is used in the most popular art. That is not an opinion. 2 Trashy is when Michelangelo carves the David out of stone, And the Los Angelos County Museum of Art offers us a 340 ton rock. Just a rock. Or Petra, The prized piece of art consisting of a police woman squatting and urinating, Complete with a puddle of synthetic urine. Thats what I mean by trashy. 3 No its not. Thats what this entire debate is all about. 4 When art used to be good, Artists created pieces that inspired, Uplifted, And deepened us. That has been replaced with what is ugly, Offensive, And pointless. 5 What I meant was that beauty transcends the beholder, It is something that anyone can see and appreciate the time, Effort, And quality that went into making it. Its not a coincidence that the golden ratio is found in nature. Maybe we understand it as the beauty of nature.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Modern-art./1/
  • PRO

    But other people might like simplistic lyrics or they...

    Modern art.

    You said "the entire reason that art is created: to express beauty. Not to make a crude statement" You're assuming that. People make art for all kinds of reasons. Some people do it to make money, Some people do it to send a message, Some people want to be famous, Etc. That's just what you think it should be for. Art is subjective. If there was transcendent beauty, We'd have proof of it. You said "You reject bad music because it is bad music" No, I reject certain music because I don't like it. I do have objective standards, But they're based on my opinion. I like music with lyrics that I think are clever. But other people might like simplistic lyrics or they might have a different definition of clever. "Everyone finds the golden ratio beautiful in some way. Studies have shown that even human faces follow the golden ratio" This is categorically false. This would assume that everyone in the world is aware of the ratio and if there was something in the world that people universally agreed upon, It would be headline news. "The $10 million hunk of stone I referred to was the piece of modern This would assume that everyone in the world is aware of the ratio and if there was something in the world that people universally agreed upon, It would be headline news. "The $10 million hunk of stone I referred to was the piece of modern art that was just a rock. Not the David. I actually find the David to be a marvelous work of art. " My mistake. "My final point is that artists have recently been lazy" You can't possibly know that. Just because their art looks easy, Doesn't mean they didn't work hard on it. Good debate.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Modern-art./1/
  • PRO

    get ready for my next one = size. ... I look forward to...

    Art Challenge

    OK, here it is. I don't have a caption for it . This is rather small art piece (A4 size). I used pen and water colour. P.s. get ready for my next one = size. I look forward to my opponents art piece, http://www.debate.org...

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Art-Challenge/1/
  • CON

    Software is created to be used. ... Anything that is...

    programming is art

    Software is created to be used. Anything that is considered Art is not that pedestrian; Art is intended to communicate, inspire, provoke and all that, I don't see the NEA (U.S.)sponsoring software development, and don't expect software to ever be banned in Boston.

  • CON

    My opponent has gone missing so I will restate my...

    Art rules.

    My opponent has gone missing so I will restate my position. I don't think art rules. I think dictators rule, as do presidents and kings. However, art (while it may be awesome) does not rule.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Art-rules./1/
  • CON

    Could you honestly say that the first thoughts upon...

    Nude art is good contribution to the world of art

    Well, first off, how is nude art a representation of the artists creativity? Is not art a reflextion into the mind of the artist? If one made a nude work of art, does that not mean they had flesh on the brain? Thus, as they make it, they are using it to describe a personal sexual desire in some way. Then, as the artist themselves made it with such a purpose doesn't that make the work pornographic in the artists view? Wasn't excitment the origonal purpose of the work itself? I am guessing that if an attractive, naked woman were to be infront of you, you would be arroused. Can you honestly not say that her fleshy appearance is not the least bit invigorating? Could you honestly say that the first thoughts upon viewing the persona of the female is "life" or would it be "desire"? If you can you have an awfully strong will. But as it goes, attraction is a natural phenomenon, thus a person will nearly always be attracted to the opposite sex, especially if they are exposing one's self. In this time where human censorship is common place, the revelation of their bodies is a high arrosal point. So, if it is freely presented it will always take the form of sexual nature, and so it will be in life or But as it goes, attraction is a natural phenomenon, thus a person will nearly always be attracted to the opposite sex, especially if they are exposing one's self. In this time where human censorship is common place, the revelation of their bodies is a high arrosal point. So, if it is freely presented it will always take the form of sexual nature, and so it will be in life or art. If the human body was not censored, and people walked naked amoung the streets, then it would be common placed and would not be so easily arroused. However, in this day and age, it is impossible for one to not find pleasure in the exposal of the opposite's body. If an artist shows a naked body than it will be thought of in a sexual nature if it proves to be attractive. Such is human Nature. Art will not change it. I do agree with you one the origional basis, but at this point and time a naked body will not have an artist effect on the mind, morely a sensual one. The artist intent could be fine, but the ends will not meet sadly. So, for todays society, an exposed body will be pornographic in nature, and any artist who makes such art, is thus also fabricating pornography.

  • PRO

    Firstly, I would like to point something out. ......

    Are Videogames Art

    Thank you to philosphical for accepting my debate. Firstly, I would like to point something out. "GAMEMAKERS "but also they are allowed boundless opportunities to use their creativity and imagination, which sounds like Firstly, I would like to point something out. "GAMEMAKERS "but also they are allowed boundless opportunities to use their creativity and imagination, which sounds like "GAMEMAKERS "but also they are allowed boundless opportunities to use their creativity and imagination, which sounds like art to me." video games in themselves are not where the creativity and imagination spark from. the creators of the game being the ones who put forth all the creativity are the ones using imagination and creativity." When I stated they are allowed boundless opportunities, they DID refer the game creators, themselves, not the game. I never in any said that the players were artistic for viewing and playing said games. "While the people who made them game used a form of art in making the game by being creative and imaginitive, the game in itself does not provide a form of productivity or, seemingly, a specific influential point. For example, everything that is considered art has a certain meaning or phase to the the benefit of learning.meaning Every piece of art must have an influential meaning that can be used as pertaining to human life. Although games like halo and final fantasy did have alot of imagination and creativity used in them and are very fun, they pose no specific point or influential benefits." Not all art, in said case, does have meaning. Take for example, the painting called "Cash Crop." This painting is simply a picture of a couple of houses and trees, with rows upon rows of housing areas in the background. Now, don't get me wrong this is a very nice painting, but my opponent says that ", everything that is considered art has a certain meaning or phase to the the benefit of learning. Meaning every piece of art must have an influential meaning that can be used as pertaining to human life." I don't see how this painting holds any beneficial point or helps humanity learn anything. "When and if a game pertained to the inspiration of mankind other than the destruction of it, it could be used as an example of 'a piece of art'. however this is not the case with games such as in all the games you have listed." As you say, that a game is pertained to the inspiration of mankind rather than the destruction of it, that may be true. If you truly think though sometimes disaster brings out the best in us. For example I will take the game "Mass Effect." The main problem is that an army of synthetic robots led by a rouge agent are trying to resurrect an ancient destructive force known only as "the Reapers." As humanity's and probably the galaxy's only hope, you defy the odds. Also take into not that humanity, in game, is very young in the galactic age, and most of the other species revere them as insolent and incompetent. When the Reapers finally attack, though, all the species ban their forces together and take one final stand as one peoples to defy a god. I know that I said not all art has a lesson, but in this case and in many others, both in real life and in video games, it has. In Mass Effect it is that when disaster strikes, it brings out the best in people and sometimes even rivals join forces to do what's right. Thank you for reading - TSM

  • PRO

    Thank you, mostlogical, for accepting the debate. I would...

    Everything can be Construed as Art

    Thank you, mostlogical, for accepting the debate. I would first like to contend that art is a product of life. I say life and not humans, because I do not wish to exclude other animals the capacity for creating or experiencing art. I would like to note that there is a distinction between creation and experience, and that art is not exclusive to the former or the latter. This distinction is important to note, as art in the case of the former is an artifact or craft that serves a purpose, be it aesthetic or practical, while in the case of the latter, art is not created by the agent experiencing it but still serves an artistic experience. An example would be a person deriving meaningful, aesthetic value from a painting or in nature itself. The question is then, what constitutes an artistic experience, and indeed, goes back to what art is in its essence. What is essential for art to be art? I contend that it must have creative capacity for the agent to derive meaning. Art is an expression, it is a concept that lives within the mind. Science and mathematics are both arts in their own rights, but they have no objective existence outside the human conception and interpretation of the world. We cannot find numbers in physical form, numbers are just concepts and interpretations of what exists. I contend that art follows the same form. Without human beings, or living creatures with the capacity for art, art ceases to exist. The Mona Lisa cease to be a beautiful painting and becomes a piece of paper with paint on it. Thus, those with the capacity to experience art is essential for the existence of the art itself. Herein lies my argument. I contend that art is subject to the mind's experience, not the hands that make it. To further illustrate this point, allow me to give a hypothetical example. Let us say that an artist crafts a statue, and people derive an artistic experience from it. Surely, we would qualify this statue as art? Let us then say that this same statue that people perceived was made by a man was in fact a product of nature. Would it at that moment cease to be art? Is then art maintained by the illusion that human beings crafted it? To bring up an old cliche, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so I contend it is with art. At the heart of things, artifacts are merely manipulations of already existing, natural elements. What makes these elements suddenly becoming art is not that human beings have touched it but that human beings have the capacity to experience it as art. If there was a block of marble untouched by man, does it become art the moment man marks it with a chisel? Does the mere dent suddenly become art? Art has no limits, and that is because the creative activity of making meaning or finding it is limitless as our imagination. Thus, anything/everything can be construed as art. Art is applied by the creative mind, and not the hands that sometimes does its bidding. I look forward to my opponent's arguments.

  • PRO

    It is illegal in most cases, and graffiti at the core...

    Graffiti Art

    Graffiti art has been a part of urban culture dating back to the late 1960s. It is an art form that has spread through the world and gained a lot of popularity; it can be seen on clothing, backpacks, modern art galleries, and yes walls and other public places. It is illegal in most cases, and graffiti at the core typically has political messages or just expresses the artist feelings and creativity by using the alphabet, shapes, and characters in some cases. The whole purpose behind graffiti is to get your name "up" and be noticed by many, to gain fame by going against what society tells you to do, and to in a way give a metaphorical middle finger to the higher government powers at being.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Graffiti-Art/1/