• PRO

    In fact, 3 out of 10 women in the U.S. have an abortion...


    Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by the removal or forcing out from the womb of a fetus or embryo before it is able to survive on its own. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called a miscarriage. It can also be purposely caused in which case it is known as an induced abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. The similar procedure after the fetus may be able to survive on its own is medically known as a late termination of pregnancy. There are two kinds of abortion in the U.S. " in-clinic abortion and the abortion pill. Abortions are very common. In fact, 3 out of 10 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. If you are pregnant, you have options. If you are trying to decide if abortion is the right choice for you, you probably have many things to think about. Learning the facts about abortion may help you in making your decision. You may also want to learn more about parenting and adoption. If you are under 18, your state may require one or both of your parents to give permission for your abortion or be told of your decision prior to the abortion. However, in most states you can ask a judge to excuse you from these requirements. Learn more about parental consent for abortion. Only you can decide what is best for you. But we are here to help. A staff member at your local Planned Parenthood health center can discuss abortion and all of your options with you and help you find the services you need. The debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal option continues to divide Americans. The abortion debate is the ongoing controversy surrounding the moral and legal status of abortion. The two main groups involved in the abortion debate are the self-described "pro-choice" movement (emphasizing the right of women to choose whether to abort a pregnancy or to grow it to term) and the self-described "pro-life" movement (emphasizing the right of the embryo or fetus to gestate and be born). Both of these ascriptions are considered loaded terms in mainstream media where terms such as "abortion rights" or "anti-abortion" are generally preferred. Each movement has, with varying results, sought to influence public opinion and to attain legal support for its position, with small numbers of anti-abortion advocates sometimes using violence. I believe a women should be able to decide, without consequences, whether to end the life of their unborn child or proceed with motherhood.

  • PRO

    I will be using arguments that I used from that debate...


    Great, another forfeiter. As someone who has debated abortion before, I will put a link to my original abortion debate right here: I will be using arguments that I used from that debate here, so if you have any questions about my argument, simply read my original arguments. (1) First of all, I would like to define an abortion. “Abortion is the termination ofpregnancy by the removal or expulsion from theuterus of afetus orembryo beforeviability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called amiscarriage, or it can be purposelyinduced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. After viability, the relevant procedure is referred to as a ‘late termination of pregnancy’ Modern medicine utilizes medications and surgical procedures for induced abortion.” From Wikipedia Great. Now that we all know what abortion is, I would like to bring up that Abortion is a right in many countries. Almost every country in the world have (1) First of all, I would like to define an abortion. “Abortion is the termination ofpregnancy by the removal or expulsion from theuterus of afetus orembryo beforeviability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called amiscarriage, or it can be purposelyinduced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. After viability, the relevant procedure is referred to as a ‘late termination of pregnancy’ Modern medicine utilizes medications and surgical procedures for induced abortion.” From Wikipedia Great. Now that we all know what abortion is, I would like to bring up that Abortion is a right in many countries. Almost every country in the world have abortion that is legal to a degree. Often countries allow abortions only in special cases, like rape, fetal defects and maternal health. Only 6 countries refuse to give abortions under any circumstance. However, many countries allow abortions for any reason. “The landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade, decided on Jan. 22, 1973 in favor of abortion rights, remains the law of the land. The 7-2 decision stated that the Constitution gives ‘a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy,’ and that ‘This right of privacy... is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.’ ” Abortion in many countries is considered a civil right and taking away a right is not a good thing. Why? Simple. Discrimination. Anti-Abortion laws discriminate against rape-victims. Not only is it unfair to the mother but it is also unfair to the child. Imagine growing up with a mother who didn’t want you. This would be very bad. Any ways, I have to wrap things up. Thanks DDD.

  • PRO

    They would be extremely likely to have to leave school,...


    This should be fun :) The legalisation of abortion has been a big issue worldwide for a long period of time, not only politically but also on social and religious fronts. Abortion can be defined, as by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as the termination of a pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo or fetus. The reasons for and against are both numerous and persuasive. The first reason that deems that abortion should be illegal is due to the fact that abortion is considered immoral. Considering that life begins as soon as the fetus is created, the killing of a fetus could be considered the killing of a human. In this way abortion is similar to murder. If it is immoral to kill a human, how could it be considered acceptable to terminate a fetus? No civilized society allows one human to intentionally take the life of another human freely, and according to the aforementioned definition, abortion should not be different. Abortion also goes against the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath is historically taken by doctors and nurses that swear to practice medicine ethically. One of the lines in the classic Hippocratic Oath states that ‘I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion'. This clearly states that abortion goes against the ethics of medicine and medicinal science. Another reason that abortion should be illegal is due to the fact that there is no such thing as an unwanted child. One of the main reasons for abortion is that the parents are unable to keep the child. However, the genetic parents do not necessarily need to keep the child, but they could rather put the child up for adoption. This option is preferable to killing a human being. Is adoption not a better way of dealing with the issue? Abortion can also lead to medical problems in later life. 10% of women that go through with abortion have immediate complications. This does not include those that have other medical problems later in life due to abortion. These medical issues include, but are certainly not limited to, cervical, ovarian and liver cancers, uterine perforation, cervical laceration, placenta previa, complications with future births, handicapped newborns, eptopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease and lower general health. The risk is intensified for multiple abortions. Despite all the compelling reasons against the legalisation of abortion there are several reasons that abortion is positive. Firstly, on many occasions the parents are unfit or unable to take care of the baby. The reasons for this could be due to several factors, including religious, moral or financial complication. If a woman does become pregnant, it is extremely likely to be an accidental birth, in which a contraceptive has failed, bad planning or due to rape. In any of these scenarios abortion is often the only option. One of the main reasons against abortion is that the killing of a fetus is considered murder, akin to the killing of another human being. However, there is a difference between the concept of personhood and the concept of human life. Almost all abortions take place in very early stages of pregnancy. In these early phases, the fetus can not live outside the mother's womb. In this case, can the fetus be classified as a separate being? The question is up to the mother to decide, and what she wishes to do with the child. Once again, the classification, or definition of what is considered human depends on the individual and their beliefs. Another reason for abortion is the complications of how pregnancy, and a child, would affect a young person's life. If forced to continue with the birth of the child, the prospects for the parents would be rather grim. They would be extremely likely to have to leave school, rely on society for raising their child, develop health problems, end up separating or have psychological problems like depression or anxiety. Abortion is often the only way that parents can avoid this bleak future. One reason for the legalisation of abortion is that if abortion became illegal, it would lead to a lot of ‘backstreet' abortions. These abortions would cost a lot of money, be unsafe and unclean, and have generally negative effects on the mother. However, if abortion were to remain legal, then abortions can be carried out in safe and clean environments, where the prime concern is welfare rather than money. Another reason that abortion should be legal is due to the fact that if the child would be born with defects, whether the deficiencies be physical, mental or a combination, it would lead to problems. Having a child with severe medical problems would not only be detrimental to the child but also to the mother and father. The parents may have problems against having a child with birth problems, not only in raising the child, but also due to how they feel, whether this is owing to social or religious demands. In this case abortion can be the only way to deal with the issue. Approximately, there are 42 million abortions that happen every year. The amount that are justified is uncertain, and certainly depends on the individual's definition of the word. But the question remains, should abortion remain legal? What do you think? Personally I believe that abortion should have certain requirements that must be fulfilled before abortion is applicable to the mother. Some requirements may be if it was a forced pregnancy, if it was due to a contraceptive failing or if harm could come to the mother from the birth of the child. In this way, abortion would become less of a contraceptive or an easy way out, but more of a positive thing that would be extremely helpful to many people internationally. Don't hate too hard

  • PRO

    But those do not exhaust the circumstances under which a...


    Although I oppose abortion in most cases, I accepted this debate because Con's position is that abortion "can never be justified regardless of circumstances." That is the point I want to disagree with. I don't think anything Con said substantiates his position. He argues that abortion is not justified to avoid hardship, or deal with problems like low self-esteem, sexual exploitation, promiscuity, poverty, lack of education, and absense of moral guidence. I agree with all that. But those do not exhaust the circumstances under which a person might get an abortion; therefore, they do not show that abortion "can never be justified regardless of the circumstances." The one circumstance in which I think abortion is morally justified is in cases where the pregnancy puts the mother's life at risk. Abortion is justified in these cases for two reasons. First, it's justified because people have the right to preserve their own lives. Second, it's justified because if a pregnant woman dies, then so does her unborn, and it's better to save one life than to lose two. Since there is a circumstance under which abortion is justified, Con's claim that abortion "can never be justified regardless of the circumstances" is false.

  • PRO

    By the 22 century, the population estimated to be 11.2...


    Abortion is needed to control the population so that the population doesn't get too excess. By the 22 century, the population estimated to be 11.2 billion people and if abortion were illegal, the population would be so much higher. If our country stops the use of abortion, we will end like china, forcing women that don't want to have an abortion to have an abortion to control the population. When women are forced to get abortions, a lot of women commit suicide. Women have a higher rate of suicide in China because of this reason and in almost every other country, men have a higher rate of suicide. If abortion were illegal, the population would grow tremendously, causing abortion to be forced onto women later in life, which will increase the suicide rate of women.

  • PRO

    Um, the government in the Separation of Church and State...


    First of all, I put my sources in the Comments section right after I posted arguments since I absolutely forgot to put them in my case. I also gave the Bibliography because I did use books. So let me tell you why I wasn't able to make it those rounds. Give my opponent a conduct point for me forfeiting a rounds. The story is I went to a sleepover and some very unfortunate things happened to me. Anyways, I'll try to give a reply. Please excuse my forfeit and I ask my audience to base their focus on arguments instead of conduct. 1. An abortion is a fundamental right for a woman. I think you misunderstand what I meant. I didn't mean that the part about Roe vs. Wade confirming it correct was my argument. I just meant to confirm that it is legally a human right. This was my actual argument: "A woman has the right of an abortion because it her body. Her body is her right. An embyro and/or fetus in a body is technically still her property. She can do what she wants with her property." Being pregnant means that the embyro/fetus is in your body which means it is your property. Thus an abortion is a fundamental right for a woman because it is her property. 2. Abortions reduce injury and death. I meant that without legalizing abortion, there will be homemade abortion which would hurt more people. With legalized abortion, there are less deaths for the person having the abortion and there are less injury with abortion legalized. I don't get how doing something illegal is that person's problem. If someone came out and got his machine gun to kill a bunch of people, would it "be your problem"? Just like murder, abortion hurts others. 3. Abortion stances are usually religious. A pro-life stance based on religion should not be upheld in our laws due to the violation of church and state separation. Since the majority of abortion stances are based on religion, abortion should not be legalized based on someone's religious beliefs. They can believe that abortion is murder, they just can't legalize abortion based on their religious beliefs. Um, the government in the Separation of Church and State states religion isn't the basis of our laws. 4. Modern abortion procedures are safe. 1st, the safety of abortion provides an alternative to homemade abortions which cause less safety for the mothers. 2nd of all, all my sources are in the Comments section. 3rd of all, you're math is bad. Let's say how many deaths are in 1 billion people? 133,000! That's a lot of women dying. How about our safe medical procedures? 10,000 deaths. Our safe medical procedure just saved 123,000 lives which help much more. 0.13% for unsafe homemade procedures with 0.00001% for safe mechanical procedures. Thus, legal abortion saves lives. 5. Abortion gives option. No, it's better for the parent to decide if they are able to take care of a mentally deficient child. Giving option is better than forcing someone to make the decision. It's not about the right to sentence someone to life, it's about the parents' freedom to. We are arguing about the freedom that parents have when they have no money to get machines and features. 6. Abortion reduces crime. Many of the "criminals" are doing their action to get food for their children when they have no economic capability. That's why they do crimes. The choice to have an abortion means they can reach economic stability. 7. A baby should not come into this world unwanted. You still never explained why a baby should come into this world unwanted. Rebuttal: 8. Abortion is murder. Fetuses are not biologically proven to be humans. Until they are, the removing or expelling of an embyro or fetus is not human. They are not humans because it has not been proven that they have a personality or a character. Thus it is not murder. 9. There are options. I have 3 points which will destroy our entire contention. 1st of all, an embyro/fetus is not a human. 2nd of all, there are many alternatives to abortion but their is still abortion as an option. 3rd of all, taking away the option of abortion is just like banning adoption and one of the alternatives. Thus, abortion is one of those abortions. 10. What if you were aborted? If I were aborted, I wouldn't have known I existed. This is irrelevant. 11. The mother should not be in control of the baby's life. 1st of all, it's not a baby. It's not a child. It's an embyro or fetus. Thus, it's the woman's property. The fetus or embyro is not a child. It is the property of the mother. Thus, the the mother has the control of her own property. 12. Late term abortion. We are not arguing about late term abortion. We are arguing about abortion. 13. I don't get what your point is. Where are your sources? Sorry for not producing good arguments. My computer was literally fixed four hours ago.

  • PRO

    The term abortion means the deliberate termination of a...


    Early term abortion and late term abortion should be allowed due to a womans choice. The term abortion means the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. I stand on the pro side of abortion.

  • PRO

    I thank my opponent for his response to my previous...


    I thank my opponent for his response to my previous statement. "Whether or not abortion can also be classified as assault is irrelevant to this debate" (I argue this statement) As a matter of fact it is relevant to this debate. The topic we are discussing is abortion and whether it should be accepted or not. Clearly anyone who is kicked in the stomach has witnessed an act of assault. Abortion is only abortion if it is considered to be or not to be by the child carrier. If not considered abortion, it is only a mere act of assault. This can happen to anyone. I now argue my opponent's ideology of the "morning after pill". Referring back to my opponent's definition of abortion, the morning after pill is also another form of abortion. It all eliminates the infant correct? Therefore, my opponent provided another form of abortion that he stated is the solution to pregnancy even though he is supposed to argue against it. Any act of the mother eliminating her child would be classified as abortion only if it is intended by the carrier. Immorality: No, I was not intending it to fall under my opponent's four categories. I was only preventing that from being argued. It may not be relevant to the four types of abortion, but it is relevant to the topic at hand. what is right and wrong?: The people in this world have their own basic concept of what is right or wrong. This can also relate to morality. Every single person shares the same individual mindset, their own gathered ideas and opinions of what is right and wrong. I extend my argument referring to morality with only the slightest question...What is moral in this world? Certainly not shaving. This refers to the Bible. It is absolutely hypocritical for someone who shaves to say abortion is immoral. In addition to my opponent's remark about whether kicking a woman in the stomach is moral or not. Assault is not moral. But then again we are not talking about assault, we are talking about abortion. Why I did not respond to the other three categories of abortion, well that is the thing....I actually did in a general remark. Referring to my previous statements about morality, intentional abortion and teen pregnancy. I extend my previous arguments..... In conclusion, I affirm abortion as a way of preventing further difficulty in life with both the mother and child. Creating problems or preventing them with out the slightest sense of guilt. Thank you!

  • PRO

    There are serious differences between countries that you...


    "This is a tough point to make on your end. There are serious differences between countries that you are ignoring that would contribute to the differences in There are serious differences between countries that you are ignoring that would contribute to the differences in abortion practices like culture, Societal feelings, Access to healthcare/contraceptives, Education, To name a few. " Almost half of the 56million abortions in the world each year are unsafe and generally illegal. As a result, At least 22, 800women die every year and 7 million are admitted to hospitals with complications. About 8%of maternal mortality is due to unsafe abortion. Abortion laws are not only harmful to women"s health, They are generally unworkable or onerous. Even seemingly minor restrictions violate the rights of pregnant people, Interfere with medical discretion, And compromise the quality of care. Since the laws were not written with women"s health in mind, Healthcare professionals are often put in the position of skirting the law in order to do their jobs of saving peoples' lives and health. The sheer range and inconsistency of abortion laws around the world proves they are unrelated to good healthcare, And are politically motivated. This helps explain why developed countries like Canada enjoy very low maternal mortality rates from abortion, While the most obscenely high mortality rates occur in African countries where abortion is totally banned. Of course, Healthcare services are usually superior and more accessible in developed countries, But it's clear that anti-abortion laws kill women, While repealing the laws saves their lives. Having no abortion restrictions also helps to integrate abortion care into the healthcare system, Facilitate early access, And improve women"s health in general. The nature of the fetus and its moral status is EXACTLY the point. The moral value of a fetus is a matter of personal opinion? I disagree. Well that's your opinion and the point is, "should abortion be illegal" Taking away one person's right for an other is morally wrong. So just because it's law and has been "firmly established" for years doesn't make it right. It does not make it right, It makes it legal. The very point of the argument. . . Which facts have I confused exactly? The fact that laws do not reduce abortion. A comprehensive sex education, Readily available access to free birth control and a free and comprehensive support and health care system. America offers little and always at a cost, Punishing the poorest and the weakest shunning and shaming single teens mothers, Charging 30k for deliveries. It"s ironic that abortion laws are designed to limit abortions, Yet one of the best ways to reduce abortion is to liberalize or repeal anti-abortion laws. That"s not the only factor of course. The real key is to promote women"s rights, With particular attention to their reproductive rights. Most abortions occur because people can"t afford to have a child, So governments can significantly reduce abortion numbers by building a more stable, Prosperous society and making child-rearing economically feasible. There is no need for societies to defend fetal interests directly, As the best way to protect fetuses is to provide resources directly to pregnant people. When a pregnant woman is safe and healthy, So is her fetus. The abortion debate will probably never be resolved on a philosophical level, Because the anti-choice movement is strongly motivated by religious ideology. Their fixation on the fetus, With their foregone conclusion that fetuses are full human beings with rights, Cancels out any competing claim for women"s rights. Underlying all the pro-fetus rhetoric is the unquestioned assumption that women were made to have babies, This is their God-given natural role, And the law must enforce that. A logical extension of this view is that any woman who has an abortion must be a victim of coercion, Or too ignorant or desperate to understand what she"s doing. Since abortion is assumed to be bad for women, They must be "protected" from abortion by criminalizing it.

  • PRO

    Rather than discussing the positives vs the negatives of...


    Rather than discussing the positives vs the negatives of abortion, con has simply claimed that "abortion" "enslaves" people into paying for their abortions. Would con be fine then if the woman had to pay for her own abortion? If so, then I don't see the problem; con would therefore agree that abortion is okay if the woman pays for it. Con's entire argument, however, about being "enslaved" would apply to the pro abortion side, not his side. In other words, con is arguing my side for me. If we became anti-abortion, then we'd all have to pay for unwanted babies that mother's were forced to have. This averages around 250k PER kid. Not only that, but this is simply the cost of raising a kid until he or she is 18. What if they can't find a job? Due to technology, we are moving AWAY from jobs, not towards jobs. We are already overpopulated as is; imagine what FORCING mother's to have kids they don't want would do to us. Talk about enslavement! We already have 100k orphans who are not adopted, and that's WITH allowing abortion. If we didn't allow abortion, that number could easily approach 1 million.



  • CON

    The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a...


    "The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between," says Mother Teresa. Abortion, what does this really mean? The definition of abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks. About 42 million women in the entire world with unintended pregnancies choose abortion. Abortion is a big controversial topic, people believe abortion should be illegal and others think it should stay legal. Why would someone want to kill an innocent little life? It"s not their fault people made mistakes and now they"re the ones having to pay for it. Abortion should be illegal because abortions are not safe, laws are protecting unborn babies, and fetuses can feel pain. Abortion should have never been legal.

  • CON

    Thank you, Pro. Negative Case A1: False equivalence In...


    Thank you, Pro. Negative Case A1: False equivalence In the first round, in order to clarify the single word "abortion" into a resolution, my opponent elaborates: "if abortion is murder, so is abstinence. Having an abortion is the equivalent of not getting pregnant in the first place". Now, there is are obvious differences between abortion and not getting pregnant. I. There is no child in not getting pregnant, yet there is a child involved with an abortion. II. There is no child death involved in not getting pregnant, yet there is always child death with abortion. It follows that "having an abortion is the equivalent of not getting pregnant in the first place" is contradictory. Hence, my opponent's resolution falls under the logical fallacy classification of false equivalence [1]. Counter-arguments "Note: My firs round was not meant to be taken literally, I just thought it did a fairly good job of summing up my point. A fetus in the first few months is not mentally developed, and to abort it is the equivalent of not getting pregnant in the first place. I am not debating at what point it is developed; it is a gray area." My opponent has attempted to shift the goalposts here, which is logically fallacious [2]. How this occurred is that opponent originally clarified the resolution to be about a debate on "having an abortion is the equivalen[ce] of not getting pregnant in the first place", but now he/she has lessened this burden of proof by claiming that the resolution had to be taken non-literally. Unfortunately for my opponent, no such further clarification was presented in the first round: "If abortion is murder, so is abstinence. Having an abortion is the equivalent of not getting pregnant in the first place." Within these two sentences, you will find nothing that dictates this debate requires a non-literal interpretation of the resolution. Therefore, the resolution is not set to be taken non-literally, and thus my interpretation remains legitimate in this debate. "The last two months is not okay to abort, first three months it is. The middle is fairly circumstantial. I am arguing for the right to have an abortion, not whether it is ok to abort a seven month developed child. This post was more of an introductory round, not a main argument." My opponent concedes the debate with this argument, even if the resolution were to be taken non-literally. You see, my opponent argues that abortion is not a singular colour, in regards to metaphysical ethics/morals (i.e. not being "okay" to abort during the last two months). In other words, it would be okay to abort in the first three months, BUT abortion, according to Pro, is the same as not getting pregnant! What this means is that: 1) Abortion is proposed as a singular type 2) However, according to my opponent, there is a difference in the morality/ethics of abortion, varying based on the time of incubation (meaning that there are two types of abortion) 3) Not getting pregnant is a singular type 4) My opponent judged that abortion is (ethically/morally) the equivalent not getting pregnant in the first place, despite there being black-and-white differences (i.e. singular term) in regards to the abortion in question C) Therefore, my opponent has to keep the morality/ethics of abortion either wrong or "okay" (due to the construction of the resolution requiring abortion to equal not getting pregnant), yet my opponent has argued that the ethics/morality of abortion varies! Thus, abortion is not always the equivalent of not getting pregnant. Conclusion Via a legitimate interpretation of the resolution, I have shown that there are literal differences between abortion and not getting pregnant, thereby negating the resolution. Later, even though I am not required to do so, I showed how my opponent's argument concedes the debate, even if I were to allow the shifting of goalposts to a strictly non-literal interpretation. On both grounds, the resolution is negated. References [1] [2]

  • CON

    I shall then argue against that case. ... Since my...


    Thank you to both the audience and my opponent for yet another debate on abortion. The resolution is simply "Abortion" and my opponent has stated that he supports the affirmative. I shall then argue against that case. To begin, I submit the definition of Abortion by Medical Dictionary: Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. It is the loss of a pregnancy and does not refer to why that pregnancy was lost. In addition, here is the wikipedia article in which the introduction defines abortion in the same manner: Since my opponent has used his first round to merely ask for my opening statement and did not clarify the resolution or offer any sort of framing, I will assume that my opponent is trying to affirm "abortion" in general. I start by arguing that there are many forms of abortion that should be prevented on moral grounds. 1. Partial Birth Abortions In which the fetus, nearly fully formed, is destroyed during induced labor. At this point in time, the mother might as well wait until full term and give it up for adoption as the already blurry line of morality in abortion becomes even blurrier. 2. Spontaneous Abortions In which a woman with an implanted fetus loses the fetus accidentally, commonly known as a miscarriage. This should be avoided because for the most part, women who miscarry actually wanted the child. 3. Abortions inflicted on unwilling people There is something inherently immoral in the act of walking up to a pregnant woman and kicking in her stomach such that she miscarries. Though this is a form of abortion, I argue that it should in no way be supported. 4. Dangerous abortions I am against many forms of abortion for health reasons. The use of coat hangers to stimulate an abortion, for example. Or throwing oneself off a flight of stairs. Or going to a back-alley abortionist that doubles as a tattoo parlor. These are all very dangerous ways of abortion. I look forward to my opponent's rebuttal. Thank you.

  • CON

    By the 12th week of pregnancies 88.7% of women have...


    In 2011 there were about 730,322 abortions reported to the centers for disease control. There are about 1.7% of abortion of women's ages from 15-44 each year. Women who already had abortion earlier in there life time have abortion again. At the age of 45 a women will have at least one abortion. By the 12th week of pregnancies 88.7% of women have abortion. In the U.S. black women are 3.3 times likely to have an abortion than white women.

  • CON

    In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced...


    -ABORTION- Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death.[1] An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced, in humans and other species. In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced to preserve the health of the gravid (pregnant female) is termed a therapeutic abortion, while an abortion induced for any other reason is termed an elective abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages. I have a question for you do you believe in torturing terrorist? (if the answer is no) If you said no you are a moron because you believe in killing gods perfectly harmless creations for nothing and not killing a terrorist for terrorizing our country. Do you believe in the death sentence? If you said no your killing a baby for Nothing. Yes you are killing it you stop its heart from beating it. What do you think god and Jesus our lord and savior think about that. If you are atheist please Google john 3:16

  • CON

    In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced...


    -ABORTION- Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death.[1] An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced, in humans and other species. In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced to preserve the health of the gravid (pregnant female) is termed a therapeutic abortion, while an abortion induced for any other reason is termed an elective abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages. I have a question for you do you believe in torturing terrorist? (if the answer is no) If you said no you are a moron because you believe in killing gods perfectly harmless creations for nothing and not killing a terrorist for terrorizing our country. Do you believe in the death sentence? If you said no your killing a baby for Nothing. Yes you are killing it you stop its heart from beating it. What do you think god and Jesus our lord and savior think about that. If you are atheist please Google john 3:16

  • CON

    In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced...


    -ABORTION- Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death.[1] An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced, in humans and other species. In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced to preserve the health of the gravid (pregnant female) is termed a therapeutic abortion, while an abortion induced for any other reason is termed an elective abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages. I have a question for you do you believe in torturing terrorist? (if the answer is no) If you said no you are a moron because you believe in killing gods perfectly harmless creations for nothing and not killing a terrorist for terrorizing our country. Do you believe in the death sentence? If you said no your killing a baby for Nothing. Yes you are killing it you stop its heart from beating it. What do you think god and Jesus our lord and savior think about that. If you are atheist please Google john 3:16

  • CON

    The child could be given to foster homes and be put for...


    Abortion is not the only way to get rid of an unwanted child. The child could be given to foster homes and be put for adoption that way that child has a chance at life. After ten weeks abortion procedures become very painful for the baby to experience. Bernard N. Nathanson,MD, a late abortion doctor who later quit that field because he became a pro-life activist after his experience. When performing an abortion a 12-week old child open its mouth in an unheard scream and followed by the death of this child. This whole experience was viewed through an ultrasound image. Abortion is so horrific that a professional doctor decided to quit his job as a late abortion doctor and became a pro-life activist because of how cruel abortion is.

  • CON

    If someone had sexual intercourse and got pregnant, why...


    I accept these definitions. Your definition of aborition is right, but morally it is wrong. Abortion is the action of killing what is supossed to be human. Making abortion legal would be unethical. Abortion is wrong with exceptions to rape or incest. If someone had sexual intercourse and got pregnant, why didn't they use a condom. Like I said in the previous round, Abortion is basically killing a person. If you legalize abortion, you are basically legalizing murder.
